Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Open Your Eyes and See

     I live in Fresno, California.  Many people in this town say that it is a city that doesn't have much to offer.  What I say is look around.  You must open your eyes and look, really look.  There is much to actually see.            
     I think that is the case wherever you go.  Sometimes you are so into what you are going to do, the "end result" that you don't see the important stuff that is in front of you. I understand the desire to "get there", but try to see what is on the way.  The journey is also important.
     Let me share this with you.  I recently played golf at a course near Fresno.  I have played this course many times, but have really never stopped to actually "see" the course.  Here is what I saw.  I love old weathered wood.  The way the light falls on it and produces shadows really sparks the creative eye in me.
There was also a ridge of plain rocks that I never notice. The way they set up, with the textures and shapes of the rocks was very artistic. Simple thing around you are stunning provided you look for them.

     The trip, wherever you go is important.  Getting from point "A" to point "B" is why we travel. In most cases the destination is what is important.  That is true, so very true but don't forget the journey.  Open your eyes and see the wonders along the way even if you don't go anywhere.