Saturday, December 29, 2012

Coming Soon

     I know that I haven't posted much on this blog.  I plan to make this quite the site as far as travel goes. This site is going to be for the average traveler.  It is my promise to you that it will be something you can enjoy and take the info and enjoy the places and attractions.  They will be affordable and accessable to the average person .  This will not be the travel channel where the reporters go to the finest destinations and sleep in the finest hotels.  You will not spend an arm and a leg dining in the restaurants that I have been in and will share. That is my promise.  Enjoy, because I will share the west and other places with you and you will be able to experience them yourselves without spending an arm and a leg.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just Go!

“Wow, you travel a lot. It must get expensive,” my friend said in a recent conversation. “How can you afford it?” After bringing up a family with five children, you learn a few things. We traveled a lot all over California as a family, and our travels didn't break the bank.

Once the decision is made to go, it really isn't that expensive providing you know a few tricks. There are so many wonderful places to go, things to see and great things to do around the Central Valley area that it would be a shame to miss them if you are worried about cost. Those costs don't really have to be high as long as you do some planning and look for bargains. In many cases, the only costs to travel is the cost for the gas that your car uses.

The first question may be fairly obvious and sounds simple. Where do we want to go? Wait a minute, its not that simple because the decision on where to go is critical as to how much the trip is going to cost. If you want to go overnight, where are you going to stay and how much do you want to spend on a hotel or motel? Are you going to turn the trip into a camping adventure, get a hotel or stay with friends.

When my kids were younger and we were all together we camped out a lot, making sure there was a California State Park with a campground in the area where we wanted to go. If you don't mind cooking on a camp stove and sleeping in a tent or under the stars, you greatly decrease your costs. These times together were great. Even now when we all get together, the stories of those trips come up and we all chuckle about them. I must mention that Fruit Loops, Mother's Cookies Taffy Cookies and the last night's tri-tip dinner are traditional and integral parts of our camping outings- even today.

Should you stay in a hotel or motel, just remember that you still have food costs and the cost of the room itself. We used to look for a hotel chain that offered a breakfast in their rates. Most of the time these breakfasts were not that great- mostly offering cereal, juice coffee and rolls. Here lies another secret. Take along an ice chest. Many hotel and motel chains offer rooms with a microwave and refrigerator. In other words just as in camping, bring your own food. When you get to your destination, go to the grocery store or bring food from home. Bring your own cold cuts, bread and and cheeses and you have lunch. That is two meals out of the way. You are on your own for dinner as far as the choices you make, be it fast food or an elegant family sit-down dinner in a nice restaurant.

What about day trips where you are not going to spend the night? Again, it depends on where you are going and how far. How much time do you want to spend there? What meals do you want to eat? Are you going for just a morning and be back for lunch, or are you going after lunch and return home for dinner? Obviously, if you don't eat out that cuts down on the cost of the trip. Your cost for the trip is only the gas when you fill up your car. Even then, you may not even use a full tank depending on how far you go.

Should you decide on a day trip that takes you away from early morning to late in the evening, there are also so things you can do. First, before you leave have breakfast at home. For lunch, pack a picnic lunch and take an ice chest filled with drinks and things that need to be refrigerated. Take some charcoal and starter along with hot dogs or hamburgers and have a barbeque at a park or picnic area. Most picnic areas have and parks have barbeques so you probably won't have to bring your own. This is a great way to make family memories. Dinner can be at a nice restaurant or again fast food, depending on what you like.

How about admission to attractions. Many places are very inexpensive or free. I can think of a couple of places where this is true such as Columbia State Park in the Gold Country above Sonora or Montana de Oro State Park on the Central Coast near Morro Bay. You can treat your family to the beach at California State Beaches which charge no admission, such as Avila State Beach or Pismo State Beach. These places are just a tank of gas away.

One of the great things about living here in the Central Valley is we have so many great and famous places that are close to us. It would be a shame not to visit these places. Get out and explore, it is not as expensive as you might think. The bottom line is, go and enjoy them.

Don't forget to click on Hotwire or Last Minute Travel to help you plan your travels. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

     I plan to have a great number of posts coming soon.  I thought that I would share this bit of sound travel advice to all of you.  Should you pull in to a self-service gas station and pay for your gas, or petrol for those of you in England and the Commonwealth, don't forget to pump the gas into your tank before you leave the gas station.  This little travel tip will save you a whole lot of money, time and headache.  For more about this, go to my blog and read about what happened to me yesterday as I was traveling to Merced, California.  If the full story hasn't been posted, keep looking for it as I am not near my computer today and at least will have it for you on Monday.
     Many things are in store for this blog.  I plan to give some of my insight and funny stories about my  travels.  There are many events that happen all around the state and beyond in which I plan to share with you. You will be with me as I travel to destinations wherever I go and I will share these experiences with you in words and pictures. I hope you enjoy roaming with me and have as much fun reading about this as I am experiencing and writing about them.  Thanks for reading and don't forget to tell your friends. By the way, how do you spell the word emberassed?  Er, embarased-um emberassed...

Monday, September 24, 2012

OK, here goes. I am going to start another blog, this one dealing with my travels. I will bring you with me when I travel throughout the West and wherever I go. I hope to entertain you and bring you some great places which I have visited as well as my experiences. Sit back and enjoy!